Becoming An Entrepreneur: 3 Tips to Take Flight

Starting my own business was a dream I held onto for 20 years! It was always there. After working in the corporate world as an IT Leader for two decades, I finally took the leap and started a commercial cleaning company. I flipped my script. Pretty much everyone thought I was crazy. I kind of thought I was too. But, I did believe in myself.

The leap was scary. And little did I know what I was actually up against. If you have a strong desire to become an entrepreneur, I encourage you to do it. The learning experience is nothing short of monumental. “No pain, no gain” is an understatement. There’s so much I could say about it, and I will in future MakerBuild Group content.

So, let me offer these 3 starting tips to help you become an entrepreneur:

1. Friends and Family Will Discourage – Love Them, But Ignore Them

When you decide to start your own business, you might find those closest to you are not as supportive as you hoped. They might doubt your ideas, fearing the risks and uncertainties. It’s crucial to understand their doubts come from a place of love and concern. However, their fears shouldn’t hold you back. In fact, use them as fuel to maintain your focus. To achieve your dreams, you must be bold. Most people, even in your inner circle, find being bold and taking leaps they yearn for quite difficult.

Imagine this: You’re a bird ready to fly, but everyone around you is warning you about the dangers of the sky. Your bird parents, bird siblings, and bird friends are saying, “No! It’s too scary! What if you fail!”

If you never take flight, you’ll never know what you can achieve. You’ll never know what it feels like to fly. You’ll never know what it means to connect with others on the same frightening but thrilling journey. You’ll never know how resilient you really are.

Listen to your inner voice and trust your vision. The doubts of others are just that—their doubts, not yours! If those close to you are discouraging you, my general thought is to love them, but ignore them.

2. Find Two Supporters & Lean On Them

While many may doubt your ambitions, finding two supporters who believe in your vision right at the start is invaluable. These individuals can be mentors, friends, or colleagues who understand your goals and are willing to encourage and guide you. Choose those who know you well. They can offer advice, share their experiences, and provide the emotional support you need when the going gets tough. If you have the option to choose those who’ve done it before, all the better.

Why do I say ‘two’ supporters? I believe having two different minds, two different personalities, and two different life views to be quite empowering. Perspective is everything. Getting different opinions, different responses to your ideas, and different viewpoints allows you to make decisions with broad awareness. This is a formidable position to place yourself in when becoming an entrepreneur. You are now not taking flight completely alone.

Think of your supporters as co-pilots. In the turbulent airway of entrepreneurship, having someone to share thoughts, celebrate the small wins with, and push you to keep going or take on different perspectives can make all the difference. Lean on these supporters when you need motivation or a reality check.

3. Just Start – But Be Patient

One of the biggest hurdles in becoming an entrepreneur is the fear of starting. It’s easy to get caught up in planning, research, and waiting for the “perfect” time. The truth is, there’s never a perfect time—just like having a baby or buying a home as they say. The key is to start—even if you start small. Plant your seed, water it, and cultivate it.

Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint. Patience is vital. There will be setbacks, and success won’t happen overnight. But with persistence and hard work, your efforts will eventually pay off. Think of planting a tree: it takes time for the roots to take hold and for the tree to grow. Be patient and trust the process. Most of all, you must believe in yourself.

I’ve found that truly believing in yourself directly connects with patience. The belief that you will learn what you need to learn, address what you’ll need to address, and get the help that you need to get can allow you to find the patience you need.

My Final Thoughts

Becoming an entrepreneur is nothing less than a wild thing to do. My perspective is that most of the time, it’s awesome. So, if you have that itch and you’re willing to play the long game—do it. Be thoughtful, have a plan. But don’t overanalyze—just start working.

It took me 20 years to take the plunge, but the lessons I’ve learned along the way I wouldn’t change for anything. Ignore the naysayers, find your supporters, and just start. Be patient and persistent, be willing to change rapidly, and you’ll find your way to success.

At MakerBuild Group, we’re here to help you on your entrepreneurial journey. With the right mindset and support, you can turn your dreams into reality. Remember, every great business started with a single step. Be bold and take your step.